Donald Trump is pledging to spend his personal fortune to win the upcoming elections

US President Donald Trump announced that he would be willing to spend his personal fortune on his campaign for re-election as president, should this prove necessary in the last phase before the elections.
On the first day of a tour during which he visited five major states, namely Florida, North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Nevada, the US President spoke about the financial part of the uphill battle he is fighting against the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, as the election date approaches, on the third of November.
“We have much more money than we had in the last time for the last two month,” the Republican billionaire said, at a time when American media outlets indicate the huge expenses that may put him in a difficult situation.
“But if we need more, I will personally contribute as I did in the primaries in 2016,” he added.
Four years ago, Trump spent nearly $ 60 million on his own campaign, which is far less than the one hundred million he announced. The former real estate mogul’s wealth remains a great mystery.
Contrary to tradition in all presidential campaigns for decades, Trump has so far vehemently refused to release his tax data.
The 45th president in the history of the United States, who intends to win a second term for four years, sought to confront the idea of ​​a very loud and costly election campaign, especially in the spring and early summer under the supervision of Brad Pascal, who has since been dismissed.
“My campaign team spent a lot of money in the beginning to address false narratives and misinformation about our management of the Chinese virus,” he wrote in a defensive tweet.
In the face of the Covid-19 epidemic that has killed more than 189,000 people in the world’s first economic powerhouse, the president is making a double promise to Americans: the imminent arrival of a vaccine and a spectacular recovery of the economy.
And he accuses his opponents of darkening the health situation and of imposing excessive restrictions in the cities and states they control, through purely electoral calculation.
“The Democrats will reopen their states on the fourth of November, the day after the elections,” he wrote on Twitter before heading to Florida. This closure is ridiculous and imposed only to damage the economy before the elections, which may be the most important in our history! ”


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